Making dieting and nutrition enjoyable for university commuters.

I noticed that commuters like me on campus have a hard time balancing healthy eating, schoolwork, and their social lives. Everyone seems driven to eat healthier, but no one acts upon it because it sacrifices time and energy away from social activities.

I designed an app concept where students can get together and plan social events around healthy eating and mindfulness.


I asked student commuters between ages nineteen and twenty-one on campus to describe their dieting-social balance while in school.


Persona One

“Having a social life seems impossible. I want to eat right, but there’s not enough time to be able to cook and socialize.”



Persona Two

“I would not mind eating unhealthy if it meant saving valuable time to spend time with my friends.”



Persona Three

“I am with my friends all the time. They eat what I eat. I eat what they eat.”



Persona Four

"I'd eat healthier but it's not a priority right now. It's already very difficult to balance out my mental health, sleep, and coursework."



Persona Five

"I eat whatever is in the dining halls. I'm always there because it's one of the few instances where I can catch up with my friends."



It became clear to me that all commuters intended to eat healthier. They all had a common motive to eat healthier, but lacked the accountability and passion to act upon it because their social desires outweighed their goal for better nutrition. To use this mindset to their advantage, it became important to me to design an app for commuters to stay aware of their friend group’s dieting goals to enjoy eating healthy together.

I focused my design on making it easier for students to get together and plan social events around healthy eating and mindfulness. Using a messaging system and a calendar within the app, users are able to plan events with their group and be provided with healthy options depending on their health needs. Those using this application will be able to keep each other accountable with their goals and pair other dieting apps to be able to monitor their physical health.


Commuters should be able to easily plan healthy cooking and eating events with their group of friends, at home or on campus. Displaying each person’s basic nutritional data helps every member track their goals and enables him or her to hold others accountable.

Initial Wireframes

The adaptations of what I wanted from other fitness apps became clear with these paper prototypes. It was important that my design was maintained by a balance of social media and nutritional data. As commuters tend to be more time-constrained in and out of campus than those living on campus, a schedule screen was necessary to include.

Design Process

style guide

To appeal to the younger audiences and make each graphic unique, I selected a wide variety of flat colors. I was keen on having more blue-tones to emphasize the Mini-Circuits’ blue that current customers already love.

To appeal to the younger audiences and make each graphic unique, I selected a wide variety of flat colors. I was keen on having more blue-tones to emphasize the Mini-Circuits’ blue that current customers already love.

visual design process

The final designs represent nine different parts that came out in Summer 2019. My hope was for anyone riding in the subway to become immediately invested with the graphics from each of the circuit’s colors.

Modern Graphic Ads


Aug-Sept  2019
(4 weeks)


Graphic Design


Kevin Chiu